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General Questions:

This system seems like it might be really complicated. How long does it take to learn how to use it?

With a powerful tool like the L.I.F.E. System, it’s true that there is a fair amount to learn. In order to support newcomers, you will receive a comprehensive manual which goes over things like how to prepare the subject to receive biofeedback, as well as covering the various screens within the system and how to use them. Additionally, online video tutorials are provided which will allow you to learn at your own pace and convenience. You may rewatch these as many times as you would like and are always available to you. Finally, dealers will provide a certain number of hours of one-on-one training as well, just to make sure you fully understand how the system works and are comfortable using it.

Can I buy the L.I.F.E. System directly from Harmonic Energetic Technologies?

In short, no. Because the L.I.F.E. System is sold exclusively through our dealers, we encourage you to click on the Dealers tab and find a dealer near you. This system is professional, advanced equipment, and we’ve found that customers have their best experience by having one of the dealers - who incidentally are biofeedback practitioners themselves - walk alongside new customers on their biofeedback journey. The dealer you purchase through will also be the ones to arrange for your personalized, one-on-one training.

Is the system only available in English, or does it support other languages as well?

There is support for the following languages within the L.I.F.E. System:

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Spanish

  • Chinese

What kind of support can I expect to receive when I purchase the L.I.F.E. System?

As a purchaser of the L.I.F.E. System, you will receive quality and ongoing support which anyone would expect from a professional biofeedback system like this. We provide video training on how to use the system and you will also receive one-on-one training from the dealer you purchased the system from. In the unlikely event that something should go wrong, our world class support will always be available to answer questions or help iron out any issues.

How long has Harmonic Energetic Technologies been in business?

Harmonic Energetic Technologies has been in business for over 10 years. However, the biofeedback technology being offered exclusively by Harmonic Energetic Technologies is a mature system which has been relied upon and proven by many biofeedback practitioners all over the world. It was originally developed over 20 years ago and continues to be an innovative system within the biofeedback and stress reduction community.

What certifications or requirements are needed to become a biofeedback practitioner using the L.I.F.E. System?

Becoming a biofeedback practitioner can be an exciting and rewarding career. Due to the fact that certificates and requirements are highly dependent on the jurisdiction of where you plan to practice, it is highly recommended that you discuss this with a dealer of the L.I.F.E. System in your area and they can give you more details in this regard. Just click the Dealers tab above to locate one of our qualified dealers in your country or region.

Are there people who should not receive biofeedback?

The L.I.F.E. professional biofeedback system is extremely safe and uses subtle electrical frequencies with less than 10 milliamps of current applied to the harness. That said, as an added precautionary measure we don’t recommend people with pacemakers or pregnant women to receive biofeedback from the L.I.F.E. System. If you fall into one of these categories, It’s always good to contact a L.I.F.E. dealer in your area. They may have some suggestion or additional information in this regard.

Can the L.I.F.E. System be used on children?

Given that the L.I.F.E. System uses subtle energies, practitioners find that it is both safe and effective to use on children of all ages. Children in our modern societies typically have more stress than in past generations, and we’ve observed that children respond very well to the stress-reducing benefits of biofeedback. In the training material you will find that a shorter session is recommended for children than for adults.

Can the L.I.F.E. System provide biofeedback for animals?

Many practitioners and veterinarians use the L.I.F.E. System on animals of all kinds from cats or dogs to horses. There is even a specific panel in the system dedicated to animals. If you are serious about using the L.I.F.E. System on animals, it’s a good idea to contact a L.I.F.E. dealer to see what options are available for alternatives to the human harness.

How long does a typical biofeedback session take?

Utilizing the L.I.F.E. System, practitioners find that a typical session lasts from about one hour to an hour and a half. This includes preparing the client with the harness as well as performing the reactivity scan of nearly 7000 frequencies to identify what unconscious stressors are showing up for that client. This then helps direct the practitioner as to what frequency-based feedback to apply.

Using The System:

When creating a new client entry in the system, what information is required?

You create a new client entry within the L.I.F.E. System on the Demographics page by clicking the ‘New Client’ button on the left. Some of the fields are optional and don’t require any input. But the fields which are required are: - Last Name - First Name - Gender or Sex - Home Address - City, - State (if applicable) - Zip Code (or equivalent) - Country - Date of Birth - Location of Birth - Time of Birth (optional) After adding or updating any client information, clicking the ‘Save All’ button on the left will ensure that the information is permanently saved in the system. Additionally, it’s a good idea to include a picture of the client by clicking the ‘Load Picture’ button on the left and selecting an image of the client. This is especially true when using metaspace for the biofeedback sessions.

What are some guidelines for taking an effective client picture?

Please keep in mind that the following guidelines are merely suggestions for taking an effective client picture, since there really are no absolute rules. When possible, it’s good to obtain a full body picture of the client in a neutral or natural setting. Capture the client by themselves without other people or animals in the picture or background. As for jewelry or glasses and such, it is recommended that the client appear how they would on a normal day in their life. So if they wear glasses or jewelry normally, then this would be fine. Generally speaking, taking a picture of a client for the L.I.F.E. System is not about having a client look their best the way they might approach this by going to a professional photographer, but rather a picture that as closely as possible captures who they are in a normal day-to-day setting.

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